
sarson ki kheti

These five advanced varieties are quite spectacular for mustard cultivation in the Rabi season.

These five advanced varieties are quite spectacular for mustard cultivation in the Rabi season.

Mustard is one of the major rabi crops. Explain that mustard cultivation is done prominently in many states of India. If we talk about advanced varieties of mustard, then Raj Vijay Mustard-2, Pusa Mustard 21, Pusa Mustard RH 30, Pusa Bold and Pusa Mustard are 28sa Bold and Pusa Mustard 28.. In fact, in almost all the states of India, everything from sowing of crops to harvesting remains dependent on the weather. As you know, the time of harvesting of kharif crops is going on. Also, farmers are preparing to sow rabi crops. At the same time, the major crops sown in the rabi crop are potatoes, peas, mustard, wheat etc. Today we will give you information about the best varieties of mustard. The names of these advanced varieties of mustard are Pusa Bold, Pusa Mustard 28, Raj Vijay Mustard-2, Pusa Mustard 21 and Pusa Mustard RH 30. All these are the most preferred mustard varieties in the production of oilseeds in India. These varieties make more profits at the cost of farmers per hectare. Their production is also more than the rest of the varieties. So let's know in detail about these varieties of mustard.

5 advanced varieties for mustard cultivation

Mustard Pusa Bold

The time period for ripening of mustard Pusa bold is 100 to 140 days. The area of Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Delhi is considered suitable for sowing it. If we talk about its yield per hectare, it provides 20 to 25 quintals per hectare yield. The amount of oil inside it is up to 40 percent.

Also read: Farmers can make great profits by cultivating this variety of mustard.

Pusa mustard 28

The period of crop ripening and harvesting is 105 to 110 days. It is sown in states like Haryana, Rajasthan, Punjab, Delhi and Jammu and Kashmir. Farmer brothers can get 18 to 20 quintals of production per hectare. Talking about the amount of oil, it is up to 21 percent.

Raj Vijay Mustard-2

The crop ripening time is from 120 to 130 days. It is produced in areas of Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh. At the same time, the average yield from this ranges from 20 to 25 quintals per hectare. The amount of oil ranges from about 37 to 40 percent.

Also read: Information about all the necessary 

works related to mustard cultivation

Pusa Mustard R H30

It takes about 130 to 135 days for this type of mustard crop to ripen. The area of sowing this variety is Haryana, Punjab and Western Rajasthan. At the same time, if we talk about per hectare, it is from 16 to 20 quintals per hectare. If we talk about the amount of oil inside it, then it is up to 39 percent.

Pusa Mustard 21

The time of ripening of this variety of crops is around 137 to 152 days. Explain that it can be produced prominently in Punjab, Rajasthan and Delhi. For your information, tell that 18 to 21 quintals of production can be taken per hectare. Talking about the amount of oil from this type of mustard, it is about 37 to 40 percent. According to the Indian Institute of Lonacles of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, if farmers of these areas want more production, then these varieties of mustard can prove to be a profitable deal for farmers. All these varieties produce more percentage of oil per hectare with more production.

 Use fertilisers in mustard crops like this

Use fertilisers in mustard crops like this

Mustard can be cultivated easily through mixed form and multi -cropped crop cycle. Mustard is cultivated by farmers from most states of India. Also, like other crops, mustard also requires nutrients, so that farmers can get its great yield. Mustard is a major oilseed crop of Rabi, which has a major place in India's economy. Mustard (Laha) is becoming very popular for farmers. Because, less irrigation and cost is more profitable than other crops.

Farmers can cultivate it in mixed form and in multi -crop crop cycle. From the point of view of the area in India, it is cultivated in UP, Haryana, West Bengal, Gujarat, Assam, Jharkhand, Bihar, Punjab, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. Like other crops, 17 nutrients are required to grow the mustard crop and give great yield. If there is a shortage of any one of the nutrients, then the plants are not able to produce with their full capacity.

Along with nitrogen, phosphorus, potash and sulphur sulphur, adequate amounts of subtle elements (calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, copper and manganese) are also received. Mustard class plants receive a large amount of sulphur in contrast to other oilseed crops. In both dry and irrigated stages inside the rye -cosmus crop, the results have been achieved by the use of fertilisers and fertilisers.

What is the amount of chemical fertilisers in mustard crop

Using a balanced amount of chemical fertilisers to take a rich production of rye -masters has a very good effect on yield. Using fertilisers on the basis of soil testing will prove more useful. In addition to primary elements like Nitrogen, Sulphur and Potash, rye -masters are required more than other crops. Use of fertilisers in normal mustard nitrogen 120 kg, phosphorus 60 kg in irrigated areas. And potash is 60 kg . Using at the rate of per hectare causes a great yield.

Also read: Spray pesticide to prevent Mahu Pest in mustard crop

What amount of phosphorus should be used

The use of phosphorus is more beneficial on single super phosphate. This also leads to the availability of sulphur. If single super phosphate is not used, then 40 kg to make sulphur available. Sulphur should be used at the rate of per hectare. Also, half the amount of appropriate fertilisers in unirrigated areas should be used on the basis of basal dressing.

If D.A.P. If used, then 200 kg at the time of sowing with it. Using at the rate of gypsum per hectare is beneficial for the crop. Also, to achieve spectacular production, rotten cow dung should be used at the rate of 60 quintals per hectare. Half the amount of nitrogen in irrigated areas and 2-3 cm from seeds in garbage at the time of sowing of phosphate and potash. Give below the barber or chogs below. The remaining amount of nitrogen should be given by top dressing after first irrigation (25-30 days after sowing).